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AYCEThe Podiatrist

The Podiatrist

Our Work

This is a podiatry and health clinic in Toowoomba – again they wanted to do what the competition wasn’t doing – using video. Like our other faves at SidCOR, they saw it as a great way to educate the general public on what a podiatrist does; why what they do is important, give them health tips, educate people on their commitment to world class technology and how they use it,  patient testimonials, staff testimonials (this shows how passionate the staff are about working there while also showing off their impressive facilities) – you name it, we recorded it!

We have also created Pod TV which I co host with the director. He then also hosts a series in our green screen studio which establishes him as an expert in his field amongst his peers but also presents him to the general public so they can answer the question – do I like him? Should I go see him? Which is hard to do with a photo and text on a website!

Again we have filmed an absolute heap of video for these guys and they are very happy with the production values. Well, wouldn’t you be if your business ended up with their own TV channel? 😎

Chris Parsons