Surgeon Chat!
Brilliant to sit down with surgeon Ross Sharpe and hear of his experiences not only in theatre but working for Gold Coast Private hospital and what makes them the world class facility that they are....
Capturing talent in diverse businesses
Such a great part of our job is to capture all the clever people that are so talented at what they do – from accountants to podiatrists, dentists, restaurateurs and here at Gold Coast Private Hospital - endocrinologists...
Sit less, move more!
Get off that couch with these tips from Movesmarter! Video by us of course. The last bit of filming for our latest course ‘Movesmarter’ where our talented band of exercise physiologists teach us to sit less and move more and get us off the couch...
Queensland Weekender – Yeppoon
Its always great to meet the locals when filming for Queensland Weekender. Here we are in Yeppoon...